One of The blog
monitor's cameras
captured this image of
Ranger Ephraim's first
attempt to stop
the Talegalite
kite fliers at SanO.
Mistaking him for a
lawyer, the Talegalites
lassoed his feet and flew
him into the wind vane. He
hung there for five hours
until he was rescued by
the San Onofre Chapter
of the ACLU, who
apparently also thought
that Ranger Ephraim was
a fellow lawyer.
I say that if he looks like a lawyer, that's reason enough to kill him.
FYI, it's Ranger EphrIAm.
They told me that this is Ranger Ephraim and this is Ranger Ephriam.
You are correct, sir!
He's taller than that.
"Kites" always rmeinds me of that scene from Porky's:
Tim: Anybody wanna go fly a kite with me tonight? I hear it's great weather for flying KITES! I wonder if there's any KITES around here we can fly!
Brian Schwartz: Hey listen,
Cavanaugh. It's not kite, it's KIKE! K-I-K-E, "kike." You know, you're too stupid to even be a good bigot!
It's all about the f - - king kites.
That was him, but he has lost weight on the mayor's fish diet.
Hang that naked mayor guy.
I meant dIAry.
I'm trying to have my lunch here.
The wife whipped up a couple of montagues with some philly cheese.
Better than having the President as a reader.
I just had a bologna montague and now I'm thirsty.
I see definite racial undertones here. While a smiling, obviously white Ranger Ephriam is shown, the colored Ranger Ephraim is shown strung up. Shame on you.
YeS RoSa,
u aRe CoRReCT Ma’aM!
aND THe ReaSoN He iS FRoWNiNG iS BeCauSe He iS CoLoReD. iF i WaS CoLoReD, i WouLD FRoWN Too.
From what I hear, the mayor is HUNG!
If I dIdn't knOw bEttEr, stInkY, I'd vEntUrE A gUEss As tO yOUr IdEntItY.
headline should have been:
Anonymous gets a San-O Dazer off his back.
"Anonymous gets San-O Dized"
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