Odd. It looks like smoke seeping out of the rear window of this old sedan...

Lets open the door for a better look and appraise the situation....(BTW, that is a ticket on the windshield)

A normal sight for bathroon #4, but out of place at the end of the road...

The back seat is on fire with about 50 pounds of smoldering garbage. Two large fellows with buckets extinguish the blaze.

If anyone is interested, there is a "FOR SALE" sign on the floor.
Sun Post is reporting that Sydney Carton's lifeless body was found in the trunk.
RIP: YIKES, YIKES, AND TRIPLE YIKES! Who identified the corpse?
Hmmm.... Looks fishy to me.
BK There's a beautiful cat food soup you and your homeless bros must try. Recipe at catsRus.net. Bon appetite.
How much are they asking?
Barret Jackson, San-O Days readers No charge ever.
Sardine soup is good.
I saw when 2 guys in a red mini-truck came and got the car this morning, a couple of real winners too!
one of these winners came up to Four Doors and bummed a smoke from me. Who the phuc were these clowns anyway?
these people party like me. Reuben, you rule.
Who is Reuben?
IQM, it's a sandwich they sell at Zucky's.
U.R., have you ever watched someone suffering from cancer.
Half the car's at Murphy's so called point look like smokestacks when I drive in.
If BK is the registered owner of that junk-heap ask him how much he'l take for it. Will it pass smog inspecton?
Ahh, the wonders of booze and San Onofre!
yes, the Point is a festering pool of dereliction.
I resemble that remark!
I was just napping. Please send someone to fetch me from the morgue. It's cold here.
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