1) Alcohol cleverly hidden in red plastic cups.
2) Somehow Park Rangers are not fooled by the brilliant disguise.
3) Tourists are instructed to empty the contents of the red cups and the other 100+ beers in ice chests.
4) Citations issued.
5) Tourists leave San Onofre never to return.
Telle est la vie
Thats the guy who busted BK last month. And the month before that. And the month before that. And the month before that, etc.
glad to see someone shoulder hop Murphy for a change!
Those are not rangers, they are San Diego County Sheriffs. This is way bigger than Dingo portrays it. That mob are gang bangers from Varrio Loco SJC. This is but the tip of the ice berg. Those cabrones don't get mad, they get even. Cuidado, huevos.
Murphy shoulder hop? Come on, he don't even surf no more. He's too busy watching for recks on the freeway.
Maybe Murphy needs to re-post a re-peat of the "NO ALCOHOL" sign.
Geez Sal, I resemble that remark.
Hey Doc, do you mean barrios?
you wish it was that easy....
I am in complete agreement, except with number 5.
This is sad and pathetic. Just a buch of guys tring to have a fun day at San Onofre. It's the club that snitched on them..
Leonard ratted them out.
Why would the club rat on them, the SOSCBOD is the biggest bunch of drinkers at the place.
the club let us all down. sano sucks the glory days were in the 80,s
sano.s is run by a bunch of yuppie talegalites
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