I testify miracles do happen. Sunday last, a 'Nofre regular walked doen the dirt road and came across a CA Super Lotto Ticket worth $18,000,000.00. Now if that's not a miracle, that I don't know what is. BK drove him to San Onofre that day.
A sexual act where upon a fresh pile of turd is laid on the chest of another while hovering from above (Cleveland Steamer).
This act is immediately followed by the ass cheeks which produced the turd being lowered upon the turd smashing it into a patty like shape. This can be performed slowly or violently.
"I thought he was just going to give me a Cleveland Steamer when all of a sudden out of the blue he dropped ass and turned it into a Murphy Burger".
HAW! Show me one, just one.
"The man who has seen the rising moon break out of the clouds at midnight
has been present like an archangel at the creation of light and of the world"
Yeah Murphy, says whom?
I testify miracles do happen. Sunday last, a 'Nofre regular walked doen the dirt road and came across a CA Super Lotto Ticket worth $18,000,000.00. Now if that's not a miracle, that I don't know what is. BK drove him to San Onofre that day.
"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
Must have been some illegal alien beaner that lost the ticket. I will ask every stinkin' Mexican that I see if he lost the ticket.
Mark Ye Well, do you speak their language fluently, if not he has no idea what you say.
Similar to a cammel toe, but when the pants creep up the ass.
A woman with a large ass and tight jeans has a murphy.
Murphy Burger
A sexual act where upon a fresh pile of turd is laid on the chest of another while hovering from above (Cleveland Steamer).
This act is immediately followed by the ass cheeks which produced the turd being lowered upon the turd smashing it into a patty like shape. This can be performed slowly or violently.
"I thought he was just going to give me a Cleveland Steamer when all of a sudden out of the blue he dropped ass and turned it into a Murphy Burger".
The only miracle that's gonna' happen down here is if they close San Onofre Surf Beach permenatly (for good).
This must be one of those Islamic blogs.
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