Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Shooting The Tube

San Clemente, CA (AP) -- A local surfer shot his television set with a Pistole Parabellum 1908, commonly called a German Luger, while watching Bristol Palin's "Dancing with the Stars" routine Monday night, saying he was fed up with politics and Palin wasn't a very good dancer, according to court documents.

The unidentified man is a member of the Board of Directors of a local surfing club. Not much is known about the man, except he has a propensity to call others "IDOTS" when he is upset with them. He allegedly pointed a gun at his wife, who escaped and called police, authorities said. A SWAT team surrounded the couple's house, and officers were able to talk the man out Tuesday morning after an all-night standoff.

He was charged Tuesday with second-degree reckless endangerment, and could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison if convicted. The man's wife told police her husband came home around 6:30 p.m. Monday after drinking at the Rib Trader, but that she didn't know if he was drunk, a sheriff's detective wrote in a criminal complaint.

She said her husband drank a bottle of beer during dinner and they settled down to watch "Dancing with the Stars." When Palin, the daughter of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, began her routine, the man jumped up and began swearing, saying something like "The (expletive) IDOTS politics." His wife said he was upset that a political figure's daughter was dancing on TV even though he felt she didn't have talent. She told officers her husband left the living room and reappeared 20 minutes later with his Luger, "raging" with his face bright red, and blasted the TV.

"He scared the bejebees out of me," she told police. She left the home and called police from a nearby lawyer's office, according to the complaint. The Internet has been abuzz in recent days about how Bristol Palin, who has consistently landed at the bottom of the judges' leaderboard, has been able to remain on the ABC show. Some have suggested that voters -- particularly supporters of her mother -- have been voting in blocs.


Lobby Bombard said...

The BoD would be well within their rights to remove Bog Kook from that board.

tubulator2010 said...

Mr. Carton Esq., you keep stirring the pot. Let a sleeping dog lay for love of Christ.

obedient son said...

Carton--leave me alone damn it. Now & forever. All right. Okay. I ain't going to take no more of this. Understand.

Anonymous said...

Raging, face bright red, veins bulging, bug eyed, perspiring, and trembling. That's Big Kook okay.

johnny go fast said...

BIGKOOK is a walking time bomb ready to go off any second.

civil disobedient said...

Esq., that Big Kook is a walking time bomb. He can blow any minute now.

Moon Phase