Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Kook Magnets Arrive

Oh boy. New fire rings! That's right folks. A truckload of new fire rings for the beach has arrived. More stuff for the state to not maintain, and the kooks to fill up with crap.


Amos Anonymous said...

Well, Big Kook, where in hell we supposed to throw trash?

Grumpy said...

Yeah, where in tarnation we 'posed put the trash. Up our ass or what. You moron.

Murphy said...

Well, I for one look forward to burning some old tires so to be toasty after my morning sesh.

Anonymous said...

Murphy, thats a great idea. those old tires are expensive to get rid of. so why not?

Ranger Hal said...

Why complain, BK?

Those are California union made fire pits that only cost the taxpayer $32,091 each.

Thank you Jerry Brown for not buying Chinese.

Smiley said...

Ranger Dairywimple, great to see you back. Maybe, you can have the State place logs on the other side of that tawdry, rustic, dirt road.

Doggie Style said...

Sixty (60%) chance of rain means no rain. Sorry.

The Beach Snitch said...

I can't believe the lunkhead who put them fire-pit photos up whining about how they look. When I was a young girl I went to San Onofre for a beach party, and guess what. I stepped smack dab on a red hot hidden ember that some klowns forgot to douse. You
better believe I stepped directly om this white hot coal buried half inch beneath the sand. The only guy at San Onofre that evening was some old geezer sitting in a blue van, windows up, windshield wipers back and forth, nipping on something in a red plastic cup, and- get this-listening to talk radio.

Anonymous said...

That blue van sure sounds familiar.

circus boy said...

thats great $32,000 fire pits
and not a INCH OF ASS WIPE

Leonardo said...

Those are the new planters Biff ordered. Won't they look simply delicious by #4?

MLK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nazi Germany said...

Hey Puttzle, whatever happened to free speech in our wonderful country in which we live?

Bill from Talegedega said...

That beach is a filthy mess. I can't waait til the finish the new wave pool in Taledega. Then I can stay in Talegeda away from all the poor riff raff in San Clemente and San Onofre.

Moon Phase