Tuesday, June 07, 2005

From The Mayors Office



Dingo said...

I second the motion!

Anonymous said...

One down, two to go!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, I don't know if you will see this or not. I have been meaning to post a comment for a while - better late than never. I have really enjoyed this blog over the past several months. Difficult to explain exactly but it has added another positive dimension to the Sano experience. I appreciate the time and effort you put into it and it will be missed. So will you. I've enjoyed surfing with you and appreciate all your encouragement. You are one of the good guys without a doubt. Hope you find some great, uncrowded surf spots. Thanks again. M.B.

Lonnie said...

Dear M.B., Your comment is I'm sure held in high regard by Mike. His Blog will still be here as a memorial to his loss at the Point and it shall live on in the hearts of Dingo and myself, and of course Puttzle will from time to time be Blogging himself from the Islands.

Anonymous said...

An Ode to Puttzle: "ODE"

Anonymous said...

I think I speak for alot of the guys, when I say we're gonna miss your regular input on the blog you created. I'm hooked on it, and it's mainly due to the creative energy you, Dingo, Murphy, et. al. put into it. For being a regular at the Point only a couple of years, you've had a big impact.

Aloha to you and Grumpy. Hope the Big Island turns out to be the smartest move of your life. Best wishes.

Lonnie said...

Sheriff Bob, I'll make sure Mike see's this Blog. I'll e-mail him a copy if he doesn't read it.

Lonnie said...

I would like to thank Ranger P. for the donuts this morning on her day off. It was so sweat of her for her thoughtfulness,I'm sure Mike was touched. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Puttzel, you magnificant bastard, I read your blog daily. Keep us posted from time to time.

Moon Phase