Monday, June 06, 2005

Puttzle dropping in on a SandBar left


Anonymous said...

Come on, now! That's not the sand bar,that's Old Mans! Who you trying to kid?

Anonymous said...


Where you been, man? It must be 25 years since you and I split those monster peaks on the outside reef at Old Man's. Probably the last time it broke that big out there. As I remember, we took that shot from the inside of your truck as we were driving out of the parking lot.

Anonymous said...

I've been in a stuper. Nothing has ever measured up to that time, a quarter of a century ago. I stopped surfing, bought myself a Med. style townhome outside of San Clemente proper, and opened up a wholesale to the public sporting goods store. You may have heard of it, Talega Surf and Sport. Stop by anytime.

Moon Phase