Thursday, December 01, 2005

Here they came from the 909 again. Yep, THE WHITE TRASH! First thing they did was let the pitbull out of the camaro. Well, Brutus took off right into the oldmans bamboo and got nailed by a porcupine! Don't call the SPCA yet as once they pollished off their 4 cases of Schlitz Malt Liquor, they took the dog to cousin Cleatus out in Elsinore who not only breeds pitbulls, but also is an expert of sorts for removing needles.


Anonymous said...

Oh swell, dingo, that's real funny! HAW! HAW!

Anonymous said...

That happened to me once when I was deficating at Dog Patch. I ended up with 300 needles in my ass. It took mushburgers swedish maids 5 hours to pull them all out. Thankfully some locals provided shooters and comedy relief.

Anonymous said...

I like any story that mentions Schlitz. "the beer that made Milwaukee famous"

Anonymous said...

you schlitz dogpatch guys are a bunch of real goddamn comedians. i used to drink high caliber malt, unfortunatly, it gave me a severe case of the italian squirts, if you know what i mean.

Moon Phase