Sunday, May 22, 2005

From the Mayors Office

Well, San ZOOnofre lived up to its name again today. Again the fog came in and so did the snakes, kooks and hoppers! It could have made "America's Funniest Home Video's " this morning if someone would have taped the show." Baby Turns" brought down Crispy Cream donuts this morning so eveyone had coffee and donuts and watched the show. "Clay-massion" went out and put on a show, but it wasn't him because he surfs better! He hopped Ryan twice on good waves while Ryan was standing perched on the nose. Possibly a new canidate for the "HALL OF SHAME"! More later-----maybe


Anonymous said...

I would just like to comment on a statement made yesterday about riding RETRO. If you really want to ride Retro, then get yourself a 35lb. board and don't wear a wetsuit all year round, just trunks and wax your board with parafin wax like the old days.Then show us what you got, like in Jan.or Feb.

Anonymous said...

In January and February, I'm too busy shoveling snow off the walkway so I can walk eight miles to school in forty mile an hour head winds while dodging hail and locus... wait, that's my dad's story.

Anonymous said...

35lb. board would have been lite. What the heck, it's San-O man, it's a beginners spot. Maybe 35lb. boards should be a requirement. Think of the name as San On"oaf"re.

Anonymous said...

Top ten Sano Bumper Stickers:
My other board is all dinged up.
I'd rather be complaining.
Was that you I just hopped.
I thought you were going right.
What starts in Talega ends up at Sano.
The wave is a dance, don't cut in.
The surf was 4 to 6... on a wave.
Old surfers drule.
Friendship ends at the shoreline.
Is Larry out?

Anonymous said...

You forgot the best one.


Thats the hoppers Creed.Maybe we should all ride "TufLites" and wear full body armor? Then instead of Ripcurl Elasto,we could call it the "Gen. Bradly Armored Elasto"! And also ride a "SurfTech Ollie North Model"!

Anonymous said...

Aha, that explains the shoulder pads we found in the dumpster a few weeks ago...

Anonymous said...

Those weren't shoulder pads, that was my jock strap.

Moon Phase