Monday, February 23, 2009

Murphy Takes Up Drag Racing

That's him on the left and the favor to win. He looks kinda cute in heals doesn't he?


Anonymous said...

Question: Why did Murphy cross the road?

Answer: He couldn't get his dick out of the chicken.

Huevos Rancheros said...

I'm sorry Puttzle, but you are just as much at fault as your flock. I paid $650.00 to be part of San-O Daze, however, it's throwing good money after bad. I remember back when this awas a surfboard riding blog. No more. It's nothing bur a showcase for your 'Whipping Boy' Murphy.

Anonymous said...

That Murphy is a SICKO!

Huevos Rancheros said...

I Dumped, BINGO!

Anonymous said...

Murphy and Dingo are truck driversand are barreling along when they come up to an overpass. A sign says, "Clearance: 11"2'." So they get out, measure their truck, and realize that it's 11"6'. So Murphy looks at Dingo says, "I don't see any police around... let's go for it!"

Anonymous said...

Looks like Obama & Biden trying to sneek out of Liberal town!
Hop you Later!

Moon Phase