Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Shark Tears Man in Half
Shark attacks are not uncommon in California waters.

SAN ONOFRE, California (AP) -- Authorities were hunting Monday for a six-meter (20-foot) shark that tore a man in half as he surfed off San Onofre's "The Point" an official said.

Earl Dennis, was surfing with two tourists when he was attacked Saturday. He died instantly off the The Point, about 400 yards north of "Old Mans", park rangers said. No one else was injured.
"The 26-year-old man was bitten in half by the six-meter animal and death seemed to be instantaneous," Murphy the Mayor said. An air and sea search of the area miles west of the coastal town of San Clemente on Monday failed to find the shark or human remains.

Government fisheries officer Puttzle said authorities wanted to kill the shark, suspected to be either a great white or tiger, to safeguard the public. Residents of the area said the killer was far larger than sharks usually found there. The attack was the first to occur off the San Onofre since two sharks killed a 29-year-old surfer south of dogpatch in July.

The fatality is the first in Southern California waters since December, when an 18-year-old surfer was bitten in half by a five-meter (16-foot) great white shark off a beach in the southern end of the area known as Trails. A week earlier, a shark killed a 38-year-old diver spear fishing near Trestles beach.


Lonnie said...

It was found out later that the man had been wearing a red wetsuit that had faded to pink and the way he was floundering in the surf the shark had thought he was a Giant Humbolt Squid!

Lonnie said...

This just in! The man WAS from Talega and he had bought his wetsuit from "WETSUITS ARE US" While visiting friends in Provo Utah!

Lonnie said...

The Talegalites are going to hold their first "CandleLite Prayer" for their downed commrade at Dog Patch this Sunday night its going to be called "Talega-nights Prayer".

Moon Phase