- "The 9-mile channel of San Onofre is the migration route for the big whites that go to Hawaii and Guadalupe Island from the Farallon Islands."
- "Keep your feet up."
All quotes from Orange County Register, May 25, 2010.
San-O Daze has warned you for years. Just a few of the posts: 2006 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009
I'll always be a Backstreet Boy.
God bless you, Esq. It's been a long time coming and you scooped it. Now that you brought it out I feel comfortable going in the water. Why, you ask? I went the the Army surplus store and got me a thing-a-ma-jig you put cartrages on the tip of your pole . It's on a pole 6' in length. Great white sees you, you see him and dare it to swim close. When it does you hit it with the cartrage smack dab in the gills, GWS is a goner. GWS lays on the ocean bottem writhing in pain, finallt dying. Thanks Sydney Carton Esq.
Mr.Carton,will you keep us up to date on the San Onofre GWS scare. I nine tears old and afraid of the shark.
I work at the Subway inside of Walmart. Every Friday night, Chuck Patterson comes in and gets the foot long meatball sub with double bacon, a half dozen cookies and a bottle of pop. He would sit there alone, eat it and cry. Every. Single. Friday.
'Jerk', maybe something's troubling him. Did you ever think of that. A lad lost his dog to a land shark at San Onofre the other day. It was awful. People sttod around doing absolutly nothing. What made it worser, 'Jerk', the land shark took off and schitt the
animal in front of Sal Geeze, who was trying to sleep in front of "Four Doors". I gon't know why folks don't leave their stupid animal at home rather then drag it to a State beach.
Why wasn't Sal sleeping in his red van anyway?
red van?
does that thing still run??!??
Anon'#2, yes. It's his trademark, like the Batmobile. I hope he
never divorces it.
I saw 'The Sal Mobile'at the RibTrader perking lot this morning,on the way to a surf! He might of been sleepin one off
'Pooh', at his advancvanced
age the only sanctutrary he has is his alcohol.
Animals are just like us; they hate walking places. Honestly, I think we're only a few years away from dogs inventing dog cars. But don't take my word for it.
Because I'm insane
Sal Geeze, they said you are out of it. I believe them. It appears the first and foremost reason you booze it up so, like all other people that are alcohol dependent, you lack self confidence.
Tis is an oper appeal to any an d all San-O Daze suscribers, this is not an open forum for people appealing to 'Facebook' for friends. We fere at The Daze respect our privacy. If you are old, lonely, balding, looking for lost friends, or are facialy disfigured, sign on to Facebook.
When kids hit 1 year old, it's like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.'
I myself order a "Mr. Pete Burger" and cry. So pitifully small.
Anon'#4, head inland to Ted's Place burger special. It may satisfy your insatiable appetite.
It's $24.95, weith fries, but no soda in case it lodges in your gullet.
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