Monday, February 27, 2006

Last month, the state parks in conjuction with the American Medical Association released the results of a recent study secretly conducted at bathroom #4 that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer. Men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption. The theory is that beer contains female hormones (hopscontain phytoestrogens) and that by drinking enough beer, men turn into women. To test the theory, the bathroom #4 men drank 8 cans of beer each within a 1 hour period. It was then observed that 100% of the test subjects: 1). Argued over nothing. 2) refused to apologize when obviously wrong. 3) Gained weight. 4) Talked excessively without making sense. 5). Became overly emotional. 6) Couldn't drive. 7) Failed to think rationally 8) Had to sit down while urinating (well maybe not, but should have).

No further testing was considered necessary.


Anonymous said...

Hey survey team. The only thing I noticed is my *HUGE* penis tripled in weight and girth.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't your penis john! That was your left leg, you were stung by a Bee, but to drunk to feel it.

Anonymous said...

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Moon Phase