Thursday, February 23, 2006

Researcher's from Scripps Institute of Oceanography captured this 40 LB lobster just offshore at San Onofre. Now before you divers jump into your wetsuits, you should know that this thing had enough mercury and heavy metals in it to kill a herd of elephants! According to Dr. Ralph, "any consumption of even the smallest portion could be fatal to a human"!


Anonymous said...

Is that the same Dr. Ralph who swore drinking Corona's with bbq Tri-tip will eventually kill us? I think doc just hates to see us happy.

Anonymous said...

Holy Gawd! Why do you 'Nofre regulars try to pawn Corona, who is made by Modello Brewey, the worst in the world, and tri-tips, used as canned dog food, as what is cool at 'Nofre.

Anonymous said...

Its better than the horse meat you cook Mr. Galloping.

Anonymous said...

First off, as many readers of this blog know, Dr. Ralph is one of the leading authorities from Scripps and has been quoted in the past many times on this blog. He should be accorded the respect that he deserves.

Second off, tri-tip with Coronas rock. For that matter, horse meat works too!

Dr. Ralph said...

First off,you need red wine. PINOT NOIR bin 99 LINDENANS 2004. With trader joe's tri tip.

Moon Phase