Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The following is a history lesson on the namesake of San Onofre. (Saint Onofre) Now I don't speak Mexican, as that is what it is written in, but I think I know what "bastardo" means. So, if you need help with the translation, here's what to do. Go down to that wall by Rite Aid. There you will see a number of illegal aliens drinking Budweiser. Say "habla ingles"? They will all say "si", which means they speak fluent english. Bring one home and have him translate, then call the boarder patrol. Let us know how it goes.

Este santo muy honrado en la actualidad por los cristianos coptos. Se cree fue hijo de un rey egipcio o abisinio y que vivi en el siglo IV. El demonio instiga a su padre para que lo pase por el fuego como prueba de si era hijo bastardo. Onofre sale ileso. Fue criado en un convento de la tebaida egipcia ( monjes que vivian en el desierto). Al crecer se aparta de l y vive como ermitao.
La leyenda cuenta que una columna de fuego lo acompa hasta la ermita. Se alimenta con d tiles y agua. Se viste con sus propios cabellos. Un ngel le llevaba pan y los domingos la Eucarista. Vivio de esta forma por 60 anos. La leyenda agrega que al morir los angeles le rindieron honores.


Anonymous said...

SayO WhatO?

Anonymous said...

You surfboard riders are BIGOTS!

Anonymous said...

Jeezus H., waves are 25 at Big Sur and Pt. Conception, and SOSC members are in their Ugg Boots balancing on the log drinking their favorite mexi beer, Bud Lite. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Did you say, us surfboard riders shop at BIGLOTS? We are not bigots, we hate everyone equally.

Anonymous said...

25 foot at Big Sur? that doesn't come close to the 50 foot tubes at Old Mans. You guys must be suffering up North. Small, cold and full of kelp.

Anonymous said...

This very honest santo at the present time by the coptos Christians. He is created was son of an Egyptian or Abyssinian king and who vivi in century IV. The demon instiga to its father so that he passes it through the fire like test if he were bastard son. Onofre leaves unharmed. He was bred in a convent of the Egyptian tebaida one (monks that vivian in the desert). When growing one separates from l and it lives like ermitao. The legend tells that to a fire column acompa until the hermitage. One feeds with d tiles and water. One gets dressed in his own hair. Ngel had been to bread and Sundays to him the Eucarista. Vivio of this form by 60 anuses. The legend adds that when dying Los Angeles honors rendered to him.

Dingo said...

Thanks anon!

Lonnie said...

Made my Hemorrhoids shrink!

Moon Phase