Thursday, April 28, 2005

Would-Be Car Burglar Locks Self in Trunk

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

San Onofre, Calif. (AP) - A man attempting to burglarize a kiosk over the weekend locked himself in the trunk and was swiftly arrested, rangers said. A security guard for So. Cal. Edison followed a trail of blood to a banging noise coming from the trunk in the early morning hours Sunday. Park rangers responding to the scene expected to find a victim, but instead discovered the burglar. "Genius, pure genius," said Murphy the Mayor of San Onofre. Rangers said he cut himself on the door of the kiosk, then trickled blood across the parking lot to the car he eventually locked himself inside. The man initially told rangers he had been hit on the head and stuffed in the trunk, but rangers found items stolen from another kiosk inside the trunk with the suspect. "He popped the trunk and crawled in there to stash 300 annual passes," Murphy said. "But then he grabs the trunk to heave himself out and closes it on top of him. He's got to be the dumbest criminal of the day." The man was taken to Talega Medical Center to be treated for cuts, then to the San Diego County Jail to be booked on two counts of theft. Rangers did not identify the suspect.


Anonymous said...

It has just been found out that the man was a Talegalite and was planning to sell the passes to friends to help pay for his new "HUMMER" after his neighbors had shunned him for driving a Yugo and parking it in his driveway. He said his new Hummer would hold his new Longboard, a "Webster Fornacator" inside.

Anonymous said...

He should have bought the "Fredope" model.

Anonymous said...

What's with all the Fred bashing? Except for Lonnie, every single one of you guys suck anyway. You might as well be from Monrovia. Good-bye kooks!

Anonymous said...

Who's Lonnie? How did you know that we suck and that we were from Monrovia? Who told you?

Simple, Fred sucks! I'll bet you do too. As Ann Robinson would say, Good-bye!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have to admit it, I sign Anonymous because I see you all the time, and you know what, you are nice to me and you never hop me (by-the-way, I appreciate that) and you don't suck, but some of the other guys definitely do, but who really cares.

I've never said in my Anonymous post, that Fred doesn't hop, it just that there are worse offenders if you are going to post pics.

Oh, and it's understood, I'm a lame-o.

So I don't have to own up face to face what I say here, later,


Lonnie said...

The truth shall set you free!

Moon Phase