This supossedly occured on March 8th. Possible photos to follow. it comes to sharks and surfing I’ve always had the mindset that if I happen to be one of the few out of millions upon millions of ocean-goers to get nabbed there is really not a whole lot I can do about it. If sharks enjoyed the taste of surfer, Trestles on any given day would present a smorgasboard of munchies to fill their bellies with. Fortunately, sharks just aren’t really into us.With that being said, I have definitely had my moments in the water where I begin to wonder if anything is lurking below that would make quick work of me if it so decided. It’s usually just a passing thought that comes and goes.
After reading about the recent white-shark encounters between Huntington and San Onofre, the next time that thought arises it just may linger a little while more.
Between March 5 and March 22 there were three very well documented encounters with Great Whites in Southern California. Two of them in Huntington,
one in San-O. One of the encounters in Huntington is actually being classified as an attack, as an estimated 15 footer grabbed the back of a board with the surfer still sitting on it. The shark quickly let go, and the surfer was unharmed and left with some serious ding-repair.
The encounter at San-O was particularly interesting. A woman was walking on the beach by Trail One when a 6ft. white shark washed ashore and thrashed around for a bit. It had been swimming in very shallow water close to shore and was washed up when a larger set came in. It rolled around on its back for a couple of minutes and eventually worked himself back into the water. How random would that be to see?
San Onofre has been the location of many sightings over the last several years. For whatever reason, the whities that make there way through just don’t see too preoccupied with anyone in the water. One of my all-time favorite shots of San-O is of a local surfer sitting out the back waiting for a set and a massive dorsal fin cruising right in front of him. It was the summer of 2004 when several sharks decided to hang out there for a while and many of the locals became accustomed to them.
If getting grabbed by one of our finned friends is something you truly concern yourself with, I would highly reccomend going to grab some lotto tickets and staying indoors during the next thunderstorm. They really just aren’t into what we have to offer.