Creator Steve Mann demonstrates the new "Standing Foil Board"
at San Onofre. "it is a concept who's time has come." With the popularity
of stand up surfing and kayaking, this is "a natural extension" of those two
disciplines coupled with outrigger canoe riding.
Rev, I heard about the contraption, but I'm sure
pleased you had the moxie to post an illustration. Thank you.
That San Onofre old feller gonna' be eaten alive head-first by a GWS if he don't watch his step. To a beast, that shiny contraption looks lika a lure swimming around. I don't know whats wron with you peple.
was wron wid us?
That looks like Keefer again.
Ahab, when was the last time a human was devoured headfirst by a
maneater at 'Nofre. I've not seen an incident, and I hope it doesn't happen to me.
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