Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Her Brand Spanking New Tattoo


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a very nice.

News flash: The adult part of San O has heard a rumor that the Point players aren't playing nice. For the second time this week, Murph's little buddy Psycho Mikeo was seen verbally abusing others in the water. Murph is reported to be keeping his distance from Mikeo. Stay tuned for further developments.

Anonymous said...

Did these incidents involve speeding down the dirt road or something more sinister like boogie boarding at the sandbar? Preztel goes apeshit over those types of dirty business.

Lonnie said...

Some people need verbal abuse, they drop in on everybody with out so much as a parden me or I'm sorry and we have seen some outragous collisions recently because of a lack of better judgement or plan idiocy. Surfboards hurt when they hit you and do damage to both you and your (notice I didn't use You're)board. As for me, I try and stay away from everyone (when possible).

Lonnie said...

Awesome Sidney just awesome. The tatoo is not to bad either.

Anonymous said...

First off, that is a great picture, and I hope she's out surfing soon.

Second, I don't know Putzel or Murph and have never said more than, "Which way are you going?" to either one of them, but they seem to talk out of both sides of their mouths, cause they are always bitching about getting shoulder hopped or cut off, and then both of them cut people off all the time. You can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Jeezus H.Cartone Esq, who dressed her. Didn't turquoise go out with Hula Hoops Esq. get real or get out.

Anonymous said...

Murph doesn't cut anyone off, and Putzel (OK, once in a while he gets a little agro) is a hell of a lot better than lots of others who shall remain nameless, Nextel Larry, Panaman, JB, Poodleman..... Oops, did I say that outloud?

Anonymous said...

"like the wave was meant to be utilized." ?

I think that I need more info.

Was the eleven footer up and riding before you?

Anonymous said...

"Murph doesn't cut anyone off,"


C'mon! That must be Murphy's commentating.

Lonnie said...

I try not to drop in on anyone, but if I do its because I didn't see them in which case I pull out and give them the wave(unless its Puttzle and we're screwing around) or the've dropped in on me and you know what they say "paybacks are a bitch" or they paddle over and try to steal the inside possition in which case they loose. And at least we don't talk out our ass like some anonymous people we know.

Anonymous said...

Peace to you all, its NOT who's up first, its who's closest to the peak. So you think its OK to be way out on the shoulder and someone is at the peak but you stand up first so its your wave? Be real. Anyone with any amount of surf etiquette knows thats BS. In fact, you should read "Surfings Book Of Etiquette" before you even consider going in the water with real surfers.

Anonymous said...

I don't care who Pretzel or Murph cut off, the pecking order at the non point starts pretty low and goes down from there. I want more pictures of the girl.

Moon Phase